A review by burningupasun
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut


Setting/World Building: 4/5
Main Character: 4/5
Other Characters: 3/5
Plot: 4/5
Writing: 4/5
Triggering/Issues: 4/5 (Just minor things, mostly the main character's feelings towards his marriage bothered me.)

AVERAGED TOTAL: 3.8/5, rounded up to 4.

I understand the appeal of this book, and it's reasons for being considered a classic. I really did like the message I got in the book, about the results of war and such, and I enjoyed the disjointed story telling as a reflection of the time travel. This is just one of those books that I "got" but didn't love, but also didn't hate, you know? Which I suppose is why it's 4 stars and not 5. Good, but it didn't speak to me or anything.