A review by ctgt
Hard Bite by Anonymous-9


I read the collection [b:The 1st Short Story Collection|17402748|The 1st Short Story Collection|Anonymous-9|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1361313679s/17402748.jpg|18160347] about a year ago and really enjoyed all the stories but a few stood out and the Hard Bite short was one that had a unique premise. I ignored the listing for [b:Hard Bite|16081065|Hard Bite|Anonymous-9|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1349986041s/16081065.jpg|21879922] assuming it was for the short. What an idiot! I was very excited to see how my favorite short was fleshed out in this novella. I had some preconceived notions of where this might go but [a:Anonymous-9|6468163|Anonymous-9|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1351186077p2/6468163.jpg] really went in a direction I did not expect and what a great ride!

The original idea of hit and run victim turned wheelchair bound vigilante(with help from Sid)remains but instead of multiple uses of the "hard bite" several other methods come into play. He employs several different techniques to pick his targets and up to the final incident in this book, he is utterly convinced of the righteousness of his process and targets.

A much larger cast is introduced and we swing from a Mexican drug family(headed by one bad-ass/pyscho
mama, to a call girl/love interest and the local cops trying to piece together the clues concerning the rash of attacks. I'm really looking forward to more exploration of this weird relationship between Dean, Sid and Cinda....can't wait for the next one!