A review by tyardley
We Thought We Were Invincible by Michelle MacQueen


I think I read a different book than most of the reviewers...

First off, is it Gulf City or Gulf city? Lynn couldn't seem to keep her punctuation of a proper noun straight. Maybe I'm nitpicking, but when an error occurs multiple times in one book, I find it hard to excuse.

Second, I understand this is YA. Honestly, I had no idea it was until I was already reading it. It is a genre I tend to avoid. I avoid it specifically for reasons highlighted in this book. While I understand teen characters should speak like teens (and yes, I am guilty of criticizing a story whose young characters talk like adults), for some reason the whole story, including narrative, came across as juvenile. Lynn touched upon some heavy content here, but none of it was given the focus it probably deserved. In fact, she touched upon so much that as a whole they all became insignificant.

Now for my list of petty complaints:

- We know Jay is Callie's best friend. We get it. She really does not need to state it every time she talks about him, as though we as readers have forgotten.
- I find it difficult to believe Callie's luck. She's described as this shy, unsociable loner whose twin brother got the charisma and looks, yet somehow her best friend is this hunk of a guy one year older than her and his equally hot brother has had a thing for her their whole lives. I mean, one unbelievable character relationship is passable, but two?
- All Jamie seems to do when she kisses him is growl. There are SO MANY weird adjectives and verbs thrown into the "passionate" scenes. She always bites his lip. He always makes some animalistic noise. It is as though each occurrence of the two coming together was written by a 14 year old excited to share their first hook up.

I feel like I just wrote this same statement a week or so ago, YA is not for me. How I somehow end up with them on my kindle is beyond me.