A review by trudyd
Misadventures with a Manny by Toni Aleo


When I first started reading Misadventures of a Manny I was a little disappointed. I love, obsess over Toni Aleo's hockey romances. It didn't take long before I was kicking my negative attitude out the door. This book is magnificent. I loved the role reversals. Vera is the single mom needing a caregiver. She is the breadwinner. She is the home owner. After being crushed by her soon to be ex-husband the last thing she wants in a man in the house influencing her children, crowding her home.

Lincoln isn't just a manny (male nanny). He is so much more. He is educated. He is loving. He is caring and protective. He is a gorgeous mega hunk. He has recently lost the family he has cared for for the last six years to an overseas job. He is a crossroads and the stop sign is Vera.

I loved their journey from resistance to love and devotion. From day one Lincoln stood up for her against an ex that got uglier with the turn of each page. Lincoln protected her boys and her. How could I not love this man????