A review by michellewords
Persistence of Memory by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes


Persistence of Memory really deserves 3.5 stars, but GR does not believe in halves.
This book is slow with a lot of silly dialogue and an overly strung-out plot. Really, the only real plot is in the last 100 pages. You don't miss ANYTHING.
Atwater-Rhodes continues her Den of Shadows saga with Erin, a teenager diagnosed with multiple personal syndrome or something. Her alter-ego, Shevaun is violent and tempermental, but is she really a figment of Erin's brain or is it something more? Be prepared to explore the brain of Erin and the supernatural world of vampires and shape-shifters to find out what is real and what is not.
Character work in this novella is pretty good. I have a good feel for the characters, even though they feel a little campy and cliche' at times. That's YA for you.
I enjoyed it okay, but really skip the first 100 pages.