A review by x_naerwen_x
Twilight Falling by Paul S. Kemp


1. A lot of sexism in this one, considering it's only 300 pages long.
Some examples:
"You never leave enemies alive behind you. Never. You'd see that if you stopped thinking like a woman".

"We'll track Cale and Riven for a few days. Once we've located the globe, we kill them and take it. <...> We'll need to invovlve a few more men".
"I know just the woman", said Azriim with a smile.
Vraggen <...> wasn't sure this was woman's work.

The main character is for some reason very surprised to discover that the attack on his lord's mansion is actually led by a woman.
The only female character of note is one of the four shapeshifting monsters, and she is (of course) the one who gets killed.
2. Mediocre writing, lots of typos.
3. Magadon. Why would he join Cale and his merry band? Why is he willing to die with them? He has some sort of history with Riven, but is it really enough?
4. The first half of the book is slow-going and rather predictable. The ending was interesting, but it is not enough to redeem this book.