A review by bestdressedbookworm
Unbecoming by Jenny Downham


I'm sad to say that this book was not only boring and badly written in the smear that it was quite confusing, but also left me felling like it was a complete waste of time.
If a book takes me 4 days too read it means I don't really like it, but I always finish it to find out what happens.

With the book is boiling have bothered.

SPOILER - major!!!!!

This book told the lives of three women, but honestly through out the book, I got annoyed at Katie's mother, she seemed very immature (people have hard loves it doesn't mean you can use that as an excuse for behavior), Mary's story felt like you only heard the shocking bits, like none of the good things, like she was just this horrible person, and Katie, well hers was a typical know it all teen.

But what really pissed me off is 430 pages later the "big story reveal" was that Katie was gay, which you knew from the start anyway, and that the big event that Mary couldn't remember was that Caroline had taken Katie out of Mary's life when Katie was 4, and never let her have contact again until she was 17!!!! I promise you this sounds big but in the context of the story it was
Lame lame lame lame lame lame!!!
I was expecting something really really really shocking, this was pathetic!