A review by books_nooks_spooks
Patricia Wants to Cuddle by Samantha Allen


Because I’m a happy wee paranormal sad sack, I knew exactly what this story would be about simply from the title alone and that’s why I wanted to read it!! And it did not disappoint. Think The Bachelor meets The Missing 411 conspiracies. What a combo! Reading this on the back of two duds was great timing as it was funny and satirical and just an all round good time of a book! I had to giggle at the alternative social media platforms - ‘glamstapix’ and ‘click clack’. Oh and mixed media features you say? Thumbs up from me! This is a really easy read and a great wee yarn about the toxicity of reality TV for all involved (crew, contestant AND viewers) and that good things happen when gals look out for each other! Also shout out for some queer rep in there too.

4.5 stars