A review by chaoticmissadventures
Saying It Loud: 1966—The Year Black Power Challenged the Civil Rights Movement by Mark Whitaker


 This is a fantastic read. Mostly set in 1966 around the Black Power/Black Panther philosophy of the civil rights movement it also gave some background on many key players of the time. I am always shocked at the lack of knowledge that was handed down to us. This book was a well balanced and fair account of the time and the people who were affecting change. I am grateful that Whitaker gave credit to the women you don't hear a lot about in other books.  He acknowledged the works of women such as Ella Baker, Ruby Doris Robinson and Dottie Zellner. All of whom are fascinating people who did so much work to move the country forward. 
He told the good and bad of each person and gave a rounded look at where they came from and their views of the day and hoped for the future. I have been fascinated by how culturally we view Malcolm X and this gives a look at how he inspired people at the end and after his death.  This has many players and lots of acronyms of civil rights groups to keep straight, but Whitaker does a fantastic job of being clear and conscience without repeating himself too often. 
The photo on the cover of this book (Centering Martin Luther King Jr and Stokley Carmichael) was taken during a weeks long march through Mississippi in July of 1966. Referred to as the Meredith March - for the man who started it and who was shot before King and Carmichael joined him. The civil rights organizers went through hell during this time but managed to register 40,000 Black voters along the way. This march is often over shadowed by the Selma march, to the point that I had never heard of it.
The most interesting thing I am finding about the creation of the Black Panthers (and something that is so obvious) is his community based it was. From the chant itself, to the symboy of the panther, to the on the ground organization.  
 I found this a fascinating and easy to read book.