A review by bukola
Stiltskin by Andrew Buckley


This book is so funny. From the fictional reviews to the very last page where your jaw literally drops, I laughed all through. Buckley wrote with English humour, which I quite enjoy. The characters were also very rich. My favorite, of course was Robert Darkly himself. I could relate with his slightly out of place feeling, and although not much else is quick about him, he has a quick wit and biting sarcasm.

The relationships between the characters developed at a reasonable rate, and I loved that. From pure hatred in some cases, to admiration, then respect and even fondness.

Andrew Buckley does warn that if you like classic fairy tales, this story probably isn’t for you and he is right. Everything you’ve ever heard, everything you’ve always believed will be turned inside out. So, this is not something you read to your children, except of course the plan is to scar them permanently. I like how the suspense slowly builds and leads up to the cliff-hanger ending.

And that ending, oh dear Lord, that ending! The twist! You almost don’t see it coming, but you do, and it still takes you by surprise. I loved reading this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it.[a:Andrew Buckley|1331527|Andrew Buckley|https://www.goodreads.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-d9f6a4a5badfda0f69e70cc94d962125.png]