A review by jaimereadsromance
A Wildly Seductive Night by Lauren Blakely


I was so excited to hear that Lauren was giving us more of Clay and Julia and ecstatic when I found it in a surprise email one night.
Reading about Clay and Julia as they continue to live their happy ever after felt like home to me. A warm, and maybe even a little wet, place that makes me smile and swoon and reminds me of why I fell in love with Lauren Blakely's writing in the first place.
Clay is as sexy and dirty as ever and Julia is still the confident, strong woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid of asking for it. They're heat and love and everything that every married couple should strive to be. Throw in a smart and sweet Carly, their daughter, and they really become the ideal couple.
I thoroughly enjoyed getting this glimpse into their lives after This Night and could probably live off of novella's about them until the are old and gray. Especially when Lauren so effortlessly gives us a glimpse into some of our other favorite sexy characters at the same time. I'm thinking that someday there should be some sort of giant gathering for all of The Blakely Boys and Babes in one spot. Can you imagine all of that sexy in one place?!?

*I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review