A review by noranne
League of Dragons by Naomi Novik


It's a good book and a decent finish to the series. I certainly am glad to have read it. However, I felt at times that the author was clearly "over" it and just wanted to finish things up. Cutting major scenes--including one that has been set up since book 2 and in my mind ought to have been one of the climaxes of the entire series. Also the structure was strange, spending the first part of the book finishing up what really ought to have been in the last book.

That being said, Temeraire and Laurence are the same as ever and continue to be enjoyable. The ending felt decently wrapped up without being too neat. I was a bit surprised that Laurence's end role was
Spoilerto live with Tharkay, who I always considered a secondary character.

Overall, despite its flaws and lack of focus, I recommend the series to anyone who enjoys dragons and historical fiction.