A review by glindaaa
How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia by Mohsin Hamid


I am not entirely sure what I think. Strangely said I like the writing style I just don't like the narration. I am not even sure if that is possible. The chapters were easy to read, I liked the first few paragraphs that explained why it was a self-help book but the narration that continued about the boy-man-grown up-whatever you want to call it, that was not really interesting. The narration was short and to the point which in a way is fine but I did not get why it was that way and it just felt slightly... I don't know impossible? How did the illegal water company become a big bucks company... I missed the steps (cuz heck yea make me rich).

So it was okay, to the change of maybe I liked it; I did not feel like dropping the book or anything, so that was something as well. I considered giving it 3 stars but Goodreads said you liked it and I am not sure again if I did. The book was okay as two stars say.
(Maybe it was the obsession with the pretty girl that made it meh for me... still not sure)