A review by lpcowling
The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie


The problem with writing such a strong character as Sand dan Glokta is that every other POV character is seemingly bland in comparison. Luckily for Joe, his specialty is writing strong characters, so that issue isn't too strong within The Blade Itself.

That's what the first book mainly is, characters - the building thereof. The is some plot, but it is thin and serves only as a small pretext to be introduced and dissolved into his strong character writing. This isn't a bad thing though, his ability to create people carries the novel throughout, and is typical for all Abercrombie's work. It's also aided by his incredible ability in sequel writing, so, whilst it can be said that The Blade Itself is more or less a big prologue with some amazing characters, I know the best is coming, from enjoying his other works.

Again, Sand will carry the novel if you worried that it will be somewhat slow to get through, and the best is yet to come. Which isn't something that can be said often, that sequels are better than the original. But it is true, Age of Madness somehow managed this, even with a very, very enjoyable first entry. So, I have faith that it will occur again.