A review by thefictionaddictionblog
Doctor Who: The Molten Heart by Una McCormack


You guys, are you watching the Thirteenth Doctor? So good. I like it so much that my husband got me the new Thirteenth Doctor comics, BUT it’s the stupid serial format with cliffhangers and weeks between them, which is not at all how I like to read comics. I think I’m going to wait for the trade, instead. Bingereading, y’all.

Molten Heart is a new Doctor Who spinoff novel. It reads like a longer ep, with more internal monologue, especially from Yaz. There’s more space for character growth, too. Or, in certain cases, some spot-on character stagnancy, like when Ryan just switches to past tense for Ash’s missing dad, because he’s Ryan and he has gigantic father issues. The characters are so good that I hear their dialogue in the actors’ voices — also can we talk about how this doctor’s companions are actually very good at taking direction and not needing rescue every 10 minutes? So good.

Molten Heart has the same optimism, risk, friendships and danger that I love in the TV season (and that sucked me into the Ninth Doctor, too). I’m really enjoying the complete lack of Daleks, Cybermen or the Master this season. Classic Who is fine, but I feel like all of those classic enemies has been taken just about as far as those storylines can go. I don’t want to find just one more final Dalek, again. Molten Heart has a new enemy, which can be read as an allegory for climate change denial, but also works as another beautiful, dangerous planet, in need of the Doctor and friends. So good, you guys.