A review by megancrusante
The Children's Hospital by Chris Adrian


This was basically like Stephen King, only smarter but less good. It's weird because to my friends who read as quickly and frequently as myself I would definitely recommend it, though I don't think I liked it. The plot goes nowhere and the ending falls flat. You don't get to know any of the characters, it lacks any sort of commentary on the world and society (as would be expected in a seriously toned apocalypse novel) and could have been trimmed by at least 250 pages and achieved the same effect. Somehow I don't feel that the commitment was a waste of my time. It for sure kept my attention- it practically consumed me as I was thinking about it at all hours of the day and night throughout the time it took me to read it. Good idea, poorly executed. What I am sure of is that I won't read anything by this author again. The style is just not for me.