A review by rplusd
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli


I'm on such a high after finishing this. Like seriously oh my goodness. Everything is adorable and nothing hurts, okay?!

I feel this review will mostly me being a spazz, because that's what this book does to you. Renders you into a melted spazzing puddle of happy goo.

However, before we get into that, I have to admit that when I first started reading, it took me a few chapters to get into it. Simon is kinda narrating as he goes so at first people are coming in and out without explanation and I just wanted answers as to who and what the heck was going on. I mean at one point we get "I stop long enough to click the leash onto Bieber's collar and get him out the door." Which yes, it's clearly a dog that he's taking out for a walk, but technically I'm just assuming that. It could be a cat. Or a lizard. I don't like assuming things that the author should just say flat out. The confirmation that it is indeed a dog and lastly the breed doesn't come until chapters later. And that's just one example. There's a few other assumptions to make before you settle into Simon's life.

Another thing is how choppy some of the scene changes are. One second you're one place with a set of characters and then suddenly else where all in blink of an eye. It sent me reeling a few times.

So with that experience right off the bat, I was so worried that I wasn't going to like the book. And I so wanted to join in with all the other good reviews. But maybe it was just first chapter kinks or the fact that I started it at 11pm and was tired. I don't know. Doesn't matter anymore because I quickly became
A D D I C T E D.

It's always sort of thrilling to have this guessing game of who the person could be. AND LET ME TELL YOU GUYS HOW GIDDY IT GOT ME WHEN THE REVEAL CAME.

Around page 90 I placed my bets. I just felt like too many of the signs were there. I stayed with it even though I started doubting. So maybe it was a bit guessable? But holy sheet rocks. The reveal comes and there's a few other moments tossed around and I couldn't stop smiling. I. LEGIT. COULD. NOT. CONTROL. MY. FACE.

Blue is just so stupidly adorable and Simon is adorable and everything was just so freaking adorable.

It's really the fact that I couldn't control my face that makes this book a 5star. I would have given it 4stars, or 4.5 had it been less cute. I'm in love with Blue and Simon. Especially when Simon finds the note. (Also queue angsty stomach twist because damnit Simon you dummy).

Other than them, Abby has to be my third favorite person. She's just so awesome guys. Simon's group of friends are pretty chill and are good people. Even the blackmailer, who doesn't count as a friend, who you want to hate but the guy is just kinda sweetly dorky and needs some socializing help. I don't think I could forgive him however, especially with how he worded his post. That was just lightyears beyond any reasonable line. Leah too I know irked a few people, but to me she was very relatable and I understood her the most. Please love Leah guys.

I hadn't planned on writing so much but here we are. So last words. If you're thinking about if you should read the book or are on the fence about it, just go for it. I'm 100% sure that if you like first loves and shy boys you'll be equally giddy as I am.

Plus I dare you to not have a sudden urge to binge eat oreos.