A review by waiehse
Trimalchio: An Early Version of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald


First off, let me say that The Great Gatsby is one of my favorite books. Maybe it's the fact that it's a literary treasure, or maybe it's that I read it four times within the span of three weeks last year while writing my final essay for high school and developed the book version of Stockholm syndrome for it. Who knows. Anyways, it took about 5 minutes after finding out that this book existed for me to order it on Amazon.

It was very fun and exciting to be able to re-read Gatsby but also have it ever so slightly different. It felt almost like a game, trying to pick up on little things that had changed and making new discoveries about the characters and the themes. This book felt a bit more raw than the final Gatsby. It seemed like the themes and symbolism were more obvious and some bits felt unpolished. Still, it was beautiful and amazing and made my little heart pitter patter.

I loved the experience of reading this and I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoyed reading Gatsby.