A review by rlisaacs
Relentless by Karen Lynch


I'm really happy with this. The pacing was good, and I was able to really get invested with all/most of the characters. Even though Sara has a hard time coming to terms with who she is now and what that ultimately means... I feel like her reasons for being resistant are ones I can get on board with.

I really liked Nikolas. At first I though, "Oh dear, we're gonna have another boy who seems bipolar all the time." But his 'flipflopping', if you will, from being furious or aggravated to being calm or even happy made sense most of the time to me. And let's face it, trying to keep Sara safe in this book is quite challenging. I can't really blame the guy.

The romance, or lack-there-of I should say, also didn't bother me because I was so intrigued by the supernatural dynamics and the friendships and learning how all these different creatures interact with each other. I think the romance might come through more clearly in books to come, but time will tell with that. Just be aware, if you are reading this looking for a lot of lovey-dovey or closeness or even tension filled romantical-type moments, it won't be found in this book. More like the base to potentially get there is laid out in this book, if that makes sense.

I also really love Remy. He's a gruff big old sweetie. Could take out an entire army probably if he wanted to, but for Sara he's a sweetheart.
Spoiler One who provides piggyback rides when needed, which if you've read the book, you know what I mean.

I'm really interested in seeing what everything Sara has found out might mean for her. I'm also really curious about how life with and around the Mohiri might be.
SpoilerNikolas says they're not as different as Sara keeps imagining them to be, but I don't know...
Guess we'll have to wait and see. I will definitely be picking up the second book at some point.

Solid 4 stars.