A review by kitsuneheart
Monsters Born and Made by Tanvi Berwah


Battle Royale, but for druids. As in, animal handling proficiency!

On Koral's island, the Landers are the elite, arriving on the island first and claiming homes below ground. The Renters came after, and live under the dangerous sun, scraping by and dying young. Koral's family is worse off than most, with a terminally ill sister whose medicine leaves them further impoverished, and years of bad returns selling the dangerous maristags. Koral sees only one way out: win the Glory Race, in which no Renter has ever competed, and in which many, many competitors die.

And, as with any other YA Battle Royale, add in a romance plot. Though, to be fair, NOT a triangle! IT's pretty mutual and healthy, which I appreciate.

Overall, it's pretty enjoyable. It's got a definite "horse girl grew up" vibe, with Koral KNOWING there's something SPECIAL about her maristag, and having a RARE CONNECTION with the creature, but it's not overdone. And Koral does have the background raising maristags to justify her skill in handling the creature, even if it isn't a special kind.

The book itself claims a comparison to the Hunger Games, so I don't feel so bad saying there are a LOT of parallels. Certainly, there's plenty of fiction (based on fact...) out there about the rich exploiting the poor for entertainment, but the whole spectacle of the Glory Race has a lot of Hunger Games vibes. Fancy outfits, big parties, an "elected" leader who has been around, despot-ing for AGES.

I'd say this a good pick for someone who liked the Hunger Games and wants more of the like. And that's fair! There's a lot of people out there looking for that. And, again, horse lovers are gonna like this, as well. As a general YA fantasy, it's pretty good, but does remain at 4 stars, for me.

There's no announcement on Goodreads of a sequel, but there is plenty of room there.

Advanced review copy provided by the publisher.