A review by roxcollector
Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. 2 by Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka, James Robinson


Overall, I didn't think this volume was near as good as the first one. The stories just didn't have the same emotional weight to them and I found myself becoming very frustrated with the characters falling for their Black Lantern loved ones' lies. I mean, seriously. They look like damn zombies and they have on these black uniforms - I don't know, it was tedious.

The Flash/Rogues: The Flash's tie in focuses on both Barry and the Rogues. Unfortunately, I thought Barry's story was the weaker of the two. The whole point of it was to basically show how Barry ends up getting a Blue Lantern ring and how they separate Bart Allen from the Black Lantern ring. I thought the Reverse Flash would play a bigger role, but he didn't. I didn't really understand how the Reverse Flash was a Black Lantern and yet, alive in another location at the same time? Whatever, I guess that's just the Reverse Flash for you. I enjoyed the Rogues' stories way more. Captain Cold is always a bad ass and I loved Snart interact with his Black Lantern sister. I thought that Owen Mercer feeding people to the previous Captain Boomerang was a creepy touch as well. Then Snart throws Owen down into the pit to be killed by his own father. It was all very Walking Dead.

JSA: The JSA is one of the superhero groups in DC Comics that I know the least about. They just never interested me and I always thought their costumes looked silly as hell. This was my least favorite story and I mostly attribute that to me not knowing these characters, so when their lvoed ones become Black Lanterns - I didn't care. Earth-2 Lois and Kal-L do come back in this story, which was cool. I didn't quite understand the stuff with Jessie Quick and her father Johnny Quick. At no point does it seem like Black Lantern Johnny Quick is planning on turning on Jessie, so I was like, is he different from the others or what? It's also possible that he was destroyed before he turned on her, but it kinda bugged me.

Wonder Woman: Can I just say that Maxwell Lord is such a creep in this? I mean that in two ways: he's creeping because of the shit coming out of his mouth and his appearance. When Diana first encounters him and his head is still backwards from when she broke his neck, I was like "oh, man, that's creepy as hell." I liked how desperate sounding Diana was when the Black Lantern ring was controlling her body. It was heartbreaking - it was her just pleading with herself to not kill her friends. I was slightly disappointed when it is revealed that Diana killing Wonder Girl and Donna Troy was just a simulation by Aphrodite because I felt like it took away some of the stakes of Blackest Night. But overall, it was pretty good.