A review by teeggzz
The Unbound by V.E. Schwab



Oml I don't know what happened but now I am literal trash for The Unbound. The Archived was alright and I enjoyed it but there was something about The Unbound that I adored! *coughs* Wesley Ayers.

Victoria Schwab is so great at creating an eerie environment and a world that keeps you invested. I really enjoyed the mystery element that was tied in and just the over all setting was so vivid. I actually really liked being in a high school campus for a change and all the interactions between Mackenzie and her new friends. The sense of normalcy was really refreshing.

The characters are definitely what made this book so enjoyable for me. I didn't realize how much I loved Wesley and Mackenzie's relationship until now but it is pure gold! Their playful banter and over all affection for one another is so adorable and I found myself yearning for more scenes with them together.
I also didn't mind the new characters at the school, I feel like they really helped anchor Mac into feeling some what normal if only for a short amount of time. Although I cannot see how Mac didn't catch onto Cash and his major crush on her. He was obviously into her and tbh all of their moments were pretty cute but Wesley and Mac are still my otp ;)
And Wesley Ayers welcome to my fictional boyfriend list, you're going to be staying there for a while.

This book was sitting on a five star for quite a while but slipped a little later on in the novel. I was actually just enjoying a lot of the character interactions and Macs relationship with her family but as soon as Owen came into the picture something shifted. Not going to lie I was kinda hoping Owen wouldn't be the one creating the voids, I wanted it to be someone different to add a new element of surprise. I kind of always knew Owen wouldn't be gone forever and at one point I actually thought Cash may have been involved with opening them somehow. I don't know why but he was a new character and I guess I didn't fully trust him yet. Now if THAT happened that would've been surprising. Although in saying that I actually do like Owen as a character. He's the sort of villain that conveys emotion and isn't entirely brutal. He's a very intricate character and at times I actually found myself agreeing with him. I mean let's be real, the Archive does have a lot of issues and what he was suggesting didn't sound half bad. I think he's merely a troubled boy that can't escape his past and I'm not sure if he'll be permanently gone. Although if he did come back I think we all would expect it.

Also I don't know if it was fully explained as to why Mac was blacking out for a short period of time? I may have just missed it but at one stage I actually thought that maybe Owen was getting into Mac's head and making her do those things.

Over all I actually really enjoyed majority of this novel it's just the end felt a little repetitive to the last book in my opinion. :)

Also I'm really happy Mac and Wes are a thing now and their little reunion at the end was actually everything, I love them and I need book 3! Victoria Schwab please get on that shit because I NEED more Wes and Mac! :,(