A review by heynatheynat
Insatiable by Daisy Buchanan


TW: Bulimia, sexual assault.

'Stuck in a dead-end job, broken-hearted, broke and estranged from her best friend; Violet's life is nothing like she thought it would be. She wants more - better friends, better sex, a better job - and she wants it now.
So, when Lottie - who looks like the woman Violet wants to be when she grows up - offers Violet the chance to join her exciting start-up, she bites. Only it soon becomes clear that Lottie and her husband Simon are not only inviting Violet into their company, they are also inviting her into their lives.'

This was incredibly well written as I went through various stages of loving and hating this character. This was a funny, sexy, at times cringy, awkward tale of navigating friendship, relationships and sensitively discusses issues around consent.

Definitely a modern-day Jilly Cooperesque novel for twenty/thirties readers - not one for your Nan or Aunt Karen.

Thank you NetGalley and Sphere for the eArc.