A review by shells
The Crow Girl by Erik Axl Sund


If I'm to understand, The Crow Girl is in fact, three books in one. I began it as a quest to fulfill the "Nordic Noir" category for the 2018 PopSugar Reading Challenge. I had no idea what I was getting into. According to Amazon the paperback is 880 pages. 880 pages!? No wonder I had to borrow it from the library (Overdrive App) 3 times before I finished it. I know my reading has slowed down with work and school, but this was insane.
It kept me engrossed. It was confusing at times. There's a very large cast of characters, not all of them flesh and blood living humans. Though I might feel differently if I had read the three books as a trilogy rather than the whole story as one, I feel like there was a lot of filler and fluff. It could have been edited for length and still been just as good. (I'm wondering if this is typical of these books, as I found the Dragon Tattoo series by Stieg Larsson to be equally as long-winded.) So, those times when it was a slog, I just kept pushing. Because I was curious to know the answers. I'm glad I stuck with it. It was difficult subject matter, but a good mystery. The characters weren't all that likeable, even the "good guys." There was quite a bit of jumping through time, as well as points of view. Threads were unraveled that were never fully followed. (Kihlberg's son and what happened with Sofia on the ferris wheel??) I don't feel as though I've wasted my life reading it but, I probably won't seek out others like it.
I do know I will be filling three categories on the challenge since it was a trilogy!