A review by emily_loves_2_read
A Beginner's Guide to Murder by Rosalind Stopps


A Beginner’s Guide to Murder
Genre: Mystery Fiction
Format: Kindle eBook
Date Published: 7/5/22
Author: Rosalind Stopps
Publisher: HQ
Pages: 368
Goodreads Rating: 3.65

TW ⚠️: Child abuse, child trafficking, and mental illness.

I requested a digital advanced readers copy from NetGalley and HQ and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

Synopsis: Grace, Meg and Daphne, all in their seventies, are minding their own business while enjoying a cup of tea in a café, when seventeen-year-old Nina stumbles in. She’s clearly distraught and running from someone, so the three women think nothing of hiding her when a suspicious-looking man starts asking if they’ve seen her. Once alone, Nina tells the women a little of what she’s running from. The need to protect her is immediate, and Grace, Meg and Daphne vow to do just this. But how? They soon realise there really is only one answer: murder.
My Thoughts: The story begins in the current with Nina running into the cafe, and then backtracks all of their own stories and how we got to that point. Each of the ladies, Grace, Meg, Daphne, and Nina narrates, alternating, from their own perspectives. Even the story starts with a bang, there are some slow parts in the first half of the story as the foundation is built. The characters are well developed, with depth, growth, inventive, and is just really works for this story. The author does a fantastic job at the plot, it is dark and disturbing, which fills you with horror and suspense, but is not graphic, it is just done in a very mysterious tasteful way. The author’s writing style is thought provoking, has complexity in layers, creative, and intriguing. I enjoyed this book and would read other books by this author.