A review by ibidreads
More Than Jamie Baker by Kelly Oram


In some ways More Than Jamie Baker was a big improvement on Being Jamie Baker. The writing was a bit more sophisticated and the characters certainly more mature. But, in other aspects it didn’t meet my expectations.

One conflict of Being Jamie Baker played a huge role in MTJB. I was glad because I felt it wasn’t given the attention it needed in the first installment. While it made me happy that it was finally being discussed, it also angered me because it wasn’t handled maturely and at times Jamie was quite insensitive about it.

Jamie grew as a person, but Ryan did not. Ryan is unfortunately an example of a Mary Sue; he really has no faults. Mike, a character from book one, has some of the most characterization. Reading about these characters in college was a big improvement than when they were in high school.

Again, the villain wasn’t very well disguised. Jamie would realize a vital bit of info and then just disregard and forget about it because it didn’t go along with what she already believed.

I don’t sympathize with Jamie because she made the same mistakes as she had in the previous novel. The villain did redeem him/herself (leaving it ambiguous for spoilers) at then end of the book by being pretty despicable. A massive cliff-hanger ends the novel, but I’m just not sure that I am invested enough in the characters to read the third novel.

The comic book feel is still ever-present and the dialogue would make me smile. However, how some issues were handled didn’t sit well with me, and in the end the book just fell flat.