A review by staciesbooks
Je Suis à Toi by Pepper Winters


3 stars purely based on the smut. If I factored in the story and character development it would be more of a 2 star read.

So the big secret? I figured it out almost immediately.
Q is basically kink-shaming himself for wanting a kid...doesn't make any sense but there you go.
There goes that mystery. A few other things that kept popping up lead me to believe that the author doesn't know how the female body operates.
If you're taken off of birth control, it does take a little bit for your body to readjust back to it's natural cycle. Trying to go for fertility testing b/c you didn't get pregnant in a couple months doesn't make sense. Usually doctor's don't encourage testing until the year mark of trying to conceive. There was also a bit mentioned at the end where Q was afraid to have vaginal sex with Tess b/c he didn't want to invade his son's "cocoon"...this is preposterous. That's not how the body is lined up, unless Tess is on the brink of giving birth you're not going to be able to reach that baby with your man parts. I'm suspecting it was just an excuse to have more anal sex w/Tess. Have anal all you want, but at least be honest about why you want it.
To me, things like that should've been cleaned up in the first round of editing. All it takes is a quick Google search to work out those details, so it seemed like lazy writing to me. I'm probably thinking about this way too hard, and I should've shut my brain off, but the fact that I needed to shut my brain off was a big part of the problem.

For the positives: Having the dual perspectives of both Q & Tess was enjoyable. I liked seeing their different emotions play out. I also enjoyed the smut in this one. I thought those scenes were well timed and were just the right level of steamy.

Overall, if you're looking for a well-written, thought-out story I would look elsewhere. If you just want some decent BDSM smut, this does its job.