A review by a_reader_obsessed
Wicked Sexy Liar by Christina Lauren


4.5 Stars

This was the classic boy meets girl where sparks fly, but there are a million reasons why they would never work.

Boy has closed himself off emotionally, having suffered a devastating broken heart from his first love. Girl is wary of all things male, having bore the brunt of a terrible betrayal on more than one occasion. However each is enamored, each wanting more than what's logical.

Thus ensues quite a hilarious look at Luke and London as they circle each other. Round and round they go, and thankfully it's minus the usual eye-roll inducing melodrama that's typical of their predecessors. This was probably second to Beautiful Player as the most funny, and have no fear, as always with these authors' books, the male is the standout star here (though London surely holds her own) and the smex is still hot, hot, hot!!