A review by christajls
Nobody by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


This review originally posted at More Than Just Magic

Nix and Claire’s are Nobodies. The synopsis would have you believe this simply means people don’t notice them. But there is so much more to it than that. The premise of this books lies in everyone having different…energies if you will. There’s Normal people like you and me (or I assume like you). But some people are Nulls and some others are Nobodies and they can play with the world’s energy a little differently. It’s a unique spin on what is otherwise a contemporary setting and it was this uniqueness that originally drew me to Nobody by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.

Once I started reading I was immediately struck by how action packed this story is. There isn’t a lot of time set aside for you to stop and catch your breath. Once Clarie and Nix meet (which is pretty early on) a chain of events is set in motion and there is nothing that can be done to stall it, let alone stop it. I love how quickly most of the pages flew by and I was on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen to these two mostly charming characters.

However, since things are happening so quickly and you’re thrown right into everything, there isn’t that much time for explanation. I found that I didn’t really get a good sense of what was going on and what exactly the terms “Nobody” and “Null” meant until 3/4 of the way through the book. I know there’s something to holding information back for a “big reveal” at the end. But it felt like Nobody held too much back so even though I was flying through the pages I never felt that invested in the story.

I was also a little turned off by the insta love. Again, I understood that Claire and Nix would have an instant connection since they’ve both spent their lives being ignored. I understand that you would feel pulled toward anyone who could understand how you felt. But I didn’t like how quickly it went from connection to love. First of all it was too fast, too sudden. And second of all Nix did try and kill her. They sort out a lot of the misunderstandings surrounding that but honestly, I would still be a little guarded.

My criticisms for this book are mostly my personal preference regarding what I like in a novel, so I could see how others would really enjoy this fast paced, intriguing story. But for me there was just too much I didn’t like and by the last quarter I found I had a hard time finishing it at all.

Recommendation: A strong start but Nobody just didn’t follow through. Recommended if you like Jennifer Lynn Barnes or are curious about the premise. Otherwise I’d say move onto the next book.