A review by hannah_ribeiro
Ruthless King by Maya Hughes


I really, really hate to do this but this book took me two weeks to read which is not a good sign (since I finished the first 80% in 2 days). After finishing the first book in this series and being pretty disappointed, I decided to try this one because the entire premise of two exes reuniting after four years apart sounded pretty fun. However, what I got was both disappointing and frustrating.

I liked (to a certain extent) the beginning of this book, especially because there was so much tension between Emmett and Avery, and you know sometimes drama can be fun. Once Emmett finally learns the truth about what happened four years ago and they get back together I was all for it... until some stuff started happening that I really wasn't a fan of.

My biggest critique of the first book in this series was the fact that I felt like there wasn't enough relationship development in comparison to the amount of steamy scenes, and I felt the exact same thing in this book but even worse. Emmett and Avery haven't been together for FOUR YEARS and when they finally reunite it's like they were never apart. People grow and change after four years apart and I find it incredibly difficult to believe that they would be able to fall back into the exact same relationship that they had before.

Another thing this book did that I cannot forgive is the sheer amount of miscommunication between the two main characters. I have said it once and I will say it again, miscommunication never fails to piss me off! The trend of the characters not telling each other shit was basically the plot of this story and I was not enjoying myself because of it.

A couple other things to take note of that I did not enjoy:
- how cliche and predictable certain plot points were
- how possessive and jealous Emmett was (he had no right, especially at the beginning)
- how dramatic some things were made to be
- how convenient the ending was

Honestly, I'm not trying to shit on this book because I can totally understand why other people enjoy it -- objectively I don't think it's a bad book. However, there were too many tropes and elements in this story that annoyed me and the fact that I had to force myself to read the last 8 chapters just shows how much I wasn't into this one. I think it's safe to say I will not be continuing on with the series which is sad because I hoped I had found a new romance series to get invested in.