A review by iphigenie72
Doctor Who: The Legends of River Song by Guy Adams, Jenny T. Colgan, Jacqueline Rayner, Steve Lyons, Andy Lane


Most of the stories included in this are very entertaining and this is definitely worth the read especially if you are, like me, a huge River Song fan.

I've made notes reading this (I hardly ever do this, but I knew I would have so much to say), but I will be very good hiding my spoilers because that's the first thing that really got me into River, that she is the spoiler free girl, I try to be just like her on that level though reading Doctor Who Magazine religiously, I sometime get a little more spoiled than I would like.

Picnic at Asgard by Jenny T. Colgan. 2 stars.

I was very disappointed in this story, I thought it was predictable and what is most on River's mind is something I don't think the character would ever entertain to begin with. It has the wrong energy to it, it just doesn't feel like River or the Doctor.
SpoilerI guess what doesn't serve this story is that The Girl Who Died has Vikings in it and the episode played not so long before the release of this book even though I'm pretty sure the writing of the short story must have been already done with when the episode aired. I also feel like the comments on teenagers it made were the usual and it was too easy to know who the culprit was. The other thing that bothered me, a lot, was it took a marvellous moment River mentions in the Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead two-parter and made it just blah, nothing special when I think it had to be much more than what is portrayed here.

Suspicious Minds by Jacqueline Rayner. 5 stars.

I was expecting a lot from this, I just love Jacqueline's column in DWM and her sense of humor does so often reflect mine; I was not disappointed this was my favorite of the whole book! The tone is just right, this really feel like River and the Doctor at their most funny, witty selves. One of the traditional enemy is given and entire different angle than usual here and I loved that (see how good I am in not spoiling you even though that enemy's race is named in the first page of this short story). I loved how events in Doctor Who's timeline are referred to in a casual way. The story takes the time to establish the characters before putting them in jeopardy. This was just perfect, this one would have been worth the price all on its own.

A Gamble with Time by Steve Lyons. 4 stars.

Its nice to have River more on her own, making the big decisions. I thought this story had a nice rhythm. The concept
Spoilerof time-travelling and time-loops
is not new, but it is well executed. I defy you to not fall in love with the hero, you'll know by the end who I mean, I was misty eyed after reading this one.

Death in New Venice by Guy Adam. 3 stars.

The River here made me think a lot about the one in The Husbands of River Song, a lot harder, knowing what has to be done. I thought the story intriguing, enjoyable, not knowing exactly what was going on for a while, but a coherent explanation. I have to quote this little gem about diary writing : "I haven't got time for all this damn dialogue, besides I'm paraphrasing like hell, if I could remember what she said, word for word, my memory would be so brilliant I wouldn't need a diary." ... and that's the truth about journal writing!!!

River of Time by Andrew Lane. 3 stars.

We get to see River has an archaeologist!!! There's also a pure alien threat which River has to defeat all on her own, but she shows us how clever she can be. Very fun.

I'm so glad to have bought this, I just think any River fan will love it too. Now, I need to listen to The Diary of River Song, series 1 by Big Finish, I'm sure that's gonna be a blast too!

Have fun and... run.