A review by pagesfromhome
The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle by Matt Cain

Did not finish book. Stopped at 17%.
Unfortunately this is going to be a DNF for me for a couple of reasons:
  • The writing style felt like it needed a lot of editing. It felt like every paragraph started saying something good or happy and then the last sentence would always just go, “but it wouldn’t last long.” That was particularly frustrating because the author was doing a great job of showing those juxtapositions anyways (like you know things weren’t great at points) so when he would then explain what he was wanting you to pick up on, it was just complete overkill.
  • I also didn’t check the content warnings and there is some minor mentions of pregnancy loss which is just not a topic in comfortable with at the moment.

I might try this one again at a later date, but for now, I just think it needed some pretty hefty editing.