A review by moosmoo
Dominion of Blades by Matt Dinniman


After reading Matt Dinniman’s other novel Kaiju:Battlefield surgeon and absolutely loving it I was super excited when he sent me this! Thanks @matt!

We are thrown into this novel as Jonah and Gretchen are broken out of the loop they’ve been in for years, possibly decades. When one of the characters they speak to every day disappears in front of them, they start to question their existence.

They decide to try and get free from the RPG they are stuck in and this sets them off on a long journey with their new found friend Popper.

The world building in these novels is just phenomenal and you can imagine yourself there with the characters, I love the style of writing too. As someone who loves RPG’s it’s really awesome to read books like this, like I’m living through the game