A review by chatterbookbabe
I Can Explain by Missy Johnson



Alanna Morrison is stuck in a job she's over-qualified for where she spends her days doing menial tasks for a boss that is...well, a dick. Despite that, she still finds him incredibly attractive. When he hears her talking to her coworker about his actual dick and what she would like to do to it, she's mortified. Thinking her fixation on her boss, Chase Winston, is merely a result of not getting laid recently, she goes out one night to do just that.

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Let's just say things don't go exactly as planned. I mean, who would ever guess her intended one night stand would end with her climbing off her date's balcony half naked and unsatisfied? On top of that, who would think she would have to knock on a stranger's door in that state of undress or that said stranger would be her boss?! NOBODY would...but that's what happened. It's where Alanna and Chase's love story truly began.

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I Can Explain by Missy Johnson is a sexy, contemporary, standalone romance that will put a smile on your face! It's light, sweet, and just a lot of fun! The banter between Alanna and Chase and the awkward situations the heroine gets herself into were extremely entertaining. The beginning pulled me in immediately, and the ending was absolutely perfect! I swooned, I laughed, and I enjoyed myself the whole time. If you're looking for a fluffy, office romance with a side of comedy, this one's for you!