A review by tracy81
Going Up by Katherine Stevens


Sometimes you just need an over the top laugh out loud dramatic silly read and this book is definitely that in abundance

Maggie meets Finn when she's 16 at Comic con but due to unforeseen circumstances she can't get in touch with him afterward. So let her years of bad dating commence she picks the worst possible suitors and the blatant attempt of her mother setting her up with suitors she thinks are suitable is a match made in mayhem. I loved Maggies niavety and her lust for all things strange and wacky which was really refreshing for a rich spoilt little girl and made me love her all the more.

Fast forward the years and tada Maggie and Finn are reunited once again at comic con at this point in the book I don't think I could laugh anymore but boy was I wrong so wrong the hilarity just keeps coming and there relationship is just fabulous. I'm not a big fan of insta-love but it really works in this instance as they both never forgot the one they met as teens so it was like all the years in between never happened let the whackiest, funniest craziest whirlwind commence!!!!!

This is without doubt one of the funniest books I've read in a good while and my first by Katherine Stevens and definitely won't be my last a laugh out loud 4.5 stars from me!!!!!