A review by redhairedashreads
Heartstopper Volume 3 by Alice Oseman


 Series: Heartstopper Vol. 3
Rating: 5 stars - I loved it!

Trigger Warnings: References to bullying, eating disorder, self-harm, forced outing, homophobia, denial of bisexuality

This is Chapter 4 from the webcomic.

I love this series! Like the previous books, I couldn't put this one down once I started reading it. Nick and Charlie are finally officially dating!! They are headed to Paris for an end of the year school field trip and it allows them the opportunity to learn more about each other.

Charlie and Nick really grow a lot as a couple in this one. They start to lean more on each other in stressful and traumatic situations. Nick is starting to come out to his family and friends, some of which are not taking it well at all. Charlie is struggling with the stress of Nick coming out because he is afraid of the bullying starting again. But, these two are finally opening up to each other about these issues and learning to get through them together, which I love.

There are a lot of heavy topics that are discussed in this volume between these two, and they are not resolved in this volume. These are long term mental health issues that we will definitely be seeing more of in the next volumes. I really like that these issues are not being glossed over because they are very serious ones that a lot of teenagers deal with.

The teachers and friends in this volume were great! I loved seeing them outside of a school setting and really bonding. Everyone was so supportive and wonderful at them coming out as a couple. I just really love this group of friends. Also, I loved the two teachers who chaperoned the trip.