A review by kzimm2024
Consort's Glory by Abigail Kelly


3.25 stars. There were some really lovely and tender moments here but it was outweighed by pages and pages of descriptions of their thoughts/info dumps. And when we found out the "secret", not going to lie that it was a disappointing. I am sure these stories will bring great joy to people, it just won't be me. And I am not exactly sure why.

“No, no, no.” Margot elbowed her way out from behind Viktor. The shifter made to grab her, but one venomous look from those copper-colored eyes put him in his place. Not even an alpha wanted to piss off a gloriana.
And then Margot Goode, the bloody center of his universe, stepped forward.

She has character and spunk:
She wasn’t lying when she told Theodore she could multi-task. Margot was perfectly capable of freaking out and sealing cracked bone at the same time.

And can I say EEWWWWW (green tongue):
In a measured, pleasant voice, he informed her, “That was your one.”
“Excuse me? My one what?”
“Lie.” Theodore blinked slowly, his dark green tongue snaking out to lick away a drop of blood from the corner of his mouth.

Some navigating the relationship:
“Okay,” she finally answered, glancing away. “I need to take a shower first, but if you come back in fifteen minutes maybe we can have another cup of tea.”
“Another shower?” His brain might have short-circuited over the image that presented, if he didn’t so vividly recall her damp hair from breakfast. “Didn’t you already take one?”
Her endearingly shy expression shuttered. “Do you want to spend the evening with me or do you want to criticize my bathing habits, Sovereign?”
Theodore threw up his hands in surrender. “Fine, fine. I’ll wait.”
Margot flattened her palms against his chest as another stab of guilt stole her breath. "Does it bother you that I don’t love you?"
"Yet. You don’t love me yet."
"You’re very sure of yourself." But he had every right to be, didn’t he? Theodore was the sovereign, he was gorgeous, and so far, he’d been right about everything. If his ego was a little inflated, Margot could hardly blame him. That didn’t mean she would let him know that, though.
His snort echoed against the marble. “With the way you’re looking at me? I give it a month, tops.”