A review by katkejt
The Scottish Boy by Alex de Campi


Harry • Iain (Seonaidh mac Maíl Coluim) …♾️.


“Death. That’s my name.’


“The best steel is strong and takes much effort to shape, but with patience, it can become something beautiful.” 


“…And when I am away from my country, which I love with all my heart… I am diminished, and sour, and must content myself with the work of mine own hands, which are cold comfort, compared to the warm embrace of my home.” ♾️.


My system is fueled. TRILLION STARS. Actually no rating, there isn’t an adequate number on the scale. What did I just read? Jaw on the floor, heart on fire. I think a forever favorite it will stay and ultimate comfort read. Definitely. I shed some unexpected tears. I was bewitched by the setting of this story. Empathy, revenge, pining, so much pining, the greatest love. To deserve a Harry. To love a Iain. 

“…a sheòid.” ♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️.


Ruelle - Fear on Fire 




YUNGBLUD, Dominic Lewis - I Was Made For Lovin’ You 


“You really think kingdoms are maintained by chivalry?” // “Harry wants to see his face. Wants to understand this danger to England that they’ve ridden clear across the country to retrieve.” // “I am Sir Harry Lyon. The boy is under my protection. The next person who so much as looks at him will swallow my steel.” // “There’s good in that boy. You know I have the sense for these things and I can tell just by looking at him, Harry Lyon. He’ll surprise you.” // “Iain turns out to be the sort who gets freckles in the sun, and Harry watches them bloom over his shoulders and back as he works, first constellations of them, then galaxies, his skin getting not so much tanned as all his freckles merging together.” // “I’m sorry I’m so much trouble.” // “He becomes lost around Iain. It’s like the boy bewitches him. There are no boundaries; everything is possible, everything is permitted.” // “Harry’s heart fails him next, skittering strangely in his chest.” // “Da mihi castitatem et continentiam, sed noli modo.” // “…and his hand slips off Iain’s back and down to the shelf where Iain is bracing himself with one hand, and he covers it with his hand and their fingers interlink…” // “I give you myself…” // “And Iain can strip him defenceless with a look.” // “Because if all I get are crumbs, if I get less than the gnawed bones you toss to the dogs, I’ll take them… I’ll take them. Because it’s better than nothing, and I know too well what nothing tastes like.” // “If you’re too stupid to understand why, there’s no point in my telling you.” // “I will always come back to you. Always. Even if I have to drag myself out of the grave to do it.” // “I’m never good enough… It hurts.” // “You are not alone, you stubborn fool” // “He wants to shout the name that’s never left his heart…” // “…and would make any sacrifice to have you with me again.” // “Hold me… Nobody ever held me like you did.” // ‘Fret not. I only kneel for one man, and it is neither of you…” // “We’d never.” …
