A review by _dunno_
Nice Work by David Lodge


Had I known [b:Nice Work|69935|Nice Work (King Penguin)|David Lodge|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1170715155s/69935.jpg|2877330] was the last book of a trilogy of campus novels, I would have started in the right order. But obviously I hadn't and I simply chose it because of some feeling of frustration you have when you see full shelves with one author's books and you wonder how come he's so famous and you have no idea how he writes. The same thing happened with [a:Julian Barnes|1462|Julian Barnes|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1242364645p2/1462.jpg] about a year ago. And again, I picked the wrong book, cause it was a sequel. Note to self: read [b:Talking It Over|2195464|What I Talk About When I Talk About Running|Haruki Murakami|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1205696926s/2195464.jpg|2475030].

Well, as I was looking for something amusing yet intelligent, I got what I wanted. Not haha funny (he's British, after all), so you'll not burst into laughter every two paragraphs, but amusing and witty. Lodge does a great job mixing academia with industry, playing with semiotics and machinery and choosing Frankfurt as the linking knot between the two (it is a well-known fact that Frankfurt holds both the most important book fair and also the most important machinery and automobiles exhibition.)

I will read the other two books from the trilogy. Hopefully, in the nearest future.