A review by michellesantiago
Delicious by Shayla Black


Listened to the audiobook.

I wasn't a big fan of Lexi Maynard's narration but it grew on me. I thought she sounded too young (too YA-sounding for this type of novel) and she made all the female characters' voice too high and ditzy-ish.

I've been wanting to check out this series but since menage and hardcore BDSM are not my cup of tea, I skipped the first 2 books in the series. When I heard this one featured a monogamous couple, I picked it up and I'm glad I did.

The book overall was a good read (or in this case, listen). I really liked Alyssa's character and how independent, self-sufficient and strong she was. As for Luc, his jealously, how he judged Alyssa because of her profession (she's a stripper) and his unwavering belief that Alyssa was having an affair with her bodyguard Tyler got old really fast. I was annoyed by him for most of the book and I wish he groveled more in the end.

As for the "mystery" part, I was easy to figure out early on. But, jeez, there were so many scums were after Alyssa! I felt really bad for her--the author really made her suffer in this novel with emotionally with Luc's judgmental words and actions and with all the bad men after her. There was an almost rape scene that was pretty graphic so be warned if you're the type to avoid books with that.

I'm considering getting the other book in the series with a monogamous couple Mine to Hold, which is Tyler's book.