A review by bookwyrm55
Hannahwhere by John M. McIlveen


Just to be fully honest and fair, I published this book. As a publisher, though, with over 2300 titles out currently, there is no way to have personally read all of the books we've published. When i can, I catch up with our books in audio. I just finished listening to the audio edition of this book, and I am very, very happy that I did.

There are no punches pulled, and there are some dark things that happen... very dark... but the author clearly knows the subject matter, and handled the darkness in ways that, while not diminishing the darkness, also stop short of anything gratuitous. There are several story lines running at once, intertwining lives and traumas and loves...

This is the story of several young girls, several abusive men, caring women and art, secret places, and forgotten faces. It reminds me in spirit of Imajica by Clive Barker, or Weaveworld, but on a smaller scale - a more personal scale. This is a wonderful book, and I could not recommend it more highly.