A review by stagasaurus
Freeze Tag by Caroline B. Cooney


Wow! I can see why I kept this one for twenty three years. Genuinely good. This book breaks so many point horror cliches. There are no misleading cliff hanger chapter endings, no jumpy bits. Just a slow shivery crawl. The characters are not as shallow as the other books either. Does have some amazing descriptions that made me raise an eyebrow though. "The sun was going down like a circle of construction paper falling off the bulletin board."

Reminds me of: Nothing I can think of.
"It was probably just a practical joke" moment: No one said this.

"You probably just imagined it" moment: A few people lied to themselves but it was different somehow.

Innocent victims?: Interesting the effect of hate creating hate. I didn't pick that up when I read it as a teenager but it's a clever analogy. So many parallels that you could read into this all through history and present.

How blindingly obvious?: There's no mystery, we know who's behind everything from the start but it doesn't make it any less scary.

Plot holes / Unfinished plot lines: The whole ending is deliberately left open for us to choose our own ending. I would have liked to have known more though.

Inappropriate happy ending: Again, breaks another cliche in that this does not happen. The ending feels grown up and messy. What does she do with the evil girl when she warms her up?