A review by rfwads
Daughters of the Dragon by William Andrews


An absolutely amazing story! So powerful! From someone who enjoys history, I never realized what was going on in Kora during WW2. I can't imagine what these women went through daily and for the government to turn a blind eye and act like it never happened is outrageous. Andrews does great job of narrating the grandmothers story. You really feel like you are the granddaughter sitting in the room listening to your grandmother tell a story. The pain and suffering that Jae-hee went through. I wanted so bad for something good and positive to happen to her and was hopeful....but you also realize that Jae-hee tries to look at the positive and in the end she made the most of what life offered her.
I highly recommend this novel to everyone. It's such an amazing and impactful story; one that should be told not thrown under the rug. We need to know all of history, the good, the bad, and the very ugly. So grateful Andrews wrote this book!