A review by indianahat
November 9 by Colleen Hoover


I have to say I was slightly worried to read this book due to reviews I had read in the past. Please to anyone who has come across this review take this words to heart: do not ever let anyone else's opinion deter you from a book again. People have different opinions and I'm so glad that I did read this. Whilst different to the standard CoHo book where I'm normally crying from chapter one this book was so much lighter, and it was nice to see such a change in her writing style - not that there is anything wrong with CoHo's writing style.

This story was so warm and heartfelt and really made me believe in the whole insta-love connection that most books even films and television cant seem to pass of as believable. Of course leave it to the fantastic Colleen Hover to have the nerve to fade to black by literally stating that she would fade too black, and of course leave it to me the imbecile to believe that I new what was going to happen next. This was only my fourth CoHo book and I can tell you that this definitely won't be my last.

Thanks for the laughs.