A review by sabregirl
Gamora and Nebula: Sisters in Arms by Mackenzi Lee


Four-and-a-half-stars. I loved this book. I don't read a lot of Gamora/Nebula graphic novels so to actually have a novel about them? I needed it. This is a tie in of MCU and graphic novels. It was interesting to see Lady Death here with Thanos (I've normally only read her with Deadpool.) I would think in the MCU this would take place right before Guardians of the Galaxy one (of course.) Story line wise it was okay, that was the only thing that I didn't enjoy. It could've been really good but there was just something missing. It was just giving us the reason why Nebula hates Gamora and probably the ultimate reason why Gamora leaves Thanos. Beginning of the book dragged so it took a minute to get into but once it got about half way through I never wanted to put it down.