A review by crookedtreehouse
A&A: The Adventures of Archer & Armstrong, Volume 3: Andromeda Estranged by Rafer Roberts


The first two volumes of this series were some of the worst alleged humor comics I've ever read. Any time the story seemed to be going somewhere interesting, Roberts had a "funny" idea, and there would be a terribly unfunny aside that just took all the air out of the story.

There are a couple of instances of that in this volume (I wish the whole Bobby The Mackerel, and the guy whose name I hope to never remember, pages were torn out of this volume. They were dumb, never funny, never interesting, and they ultimately retconned themselves from being relevant to anything.) but for the most part, Roberts stuck to plotting so he could wrap up his run, and this volume is the better for it.

There was even a several page journey through the mind of ... sigh ... Gub Gub, which allowed the artist to have some fun, and gave the story some visual flair.

It's still not my type of comic, but it was a readable adventure involving characters I like (and Gub Gub, and Bobby The Mackerel, and what's-its-face). It was several steps up from where the series started. I believe if you liked [b:Archer & Armstrong, Volume 1: The Michelangelo Code|17158627|Archer & Armstrong, Volume 1 The Michelangelo Code|Fred Van Lente|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1391572226l/17158627._SY75_.jpg|23582136], you'll think this story was pretty ok.