A review by bibliophilicjester
New World Ashes by Jennifer Wilson


4.5 stars!! I'm upping my ratings for the first two books because I absolutely cannot stop thinking about these characters and this world!!!!

I need inferno. Right now.

Phoenix is so real. I adore her still, maybe even more because of this book. She's growing and breaking and reforming again and it's such an interesting journey.


• I still don't like Triven. AT ALL.
• Ryker is DELIGHTFUL. More please.
• I really liked seeing more of Phoenix's/Prea's past.
• The Minister is horrible! I will cherish his death and dance on his ashes!
• Speaking of ashes. Their escape from The Sanctuary was BRILLIANT. I don't think I've read anything like it. Being shot out of a place meant for cremated bodies?! How did she even come up with that?! LOVE.
• Mouse! Bless her and her frantic signing and together being her favorite word. I hope she doesn't die.
• Triven though. No thanks.
• I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to be disappointed at their possible happily ever after, or if I get to be the smug person at the end who legit knew he wasn't a good dude. AKA, my experience the first time I watched Frozen. Immediately pegged him as evil. Every time he did a nice thing and my friend looked over at me I was like JUST WAIT. Lol. And then he was all, "if only there was someone who loved you" and I got to triumphantly smack her arm. Haha. For real though. Team anyone but Triven.
• Typos. Misspellings. SIGH. Still so many. Someone please employ me. I found 31 this time. That includes a missed or extended indent, missing quotation mark, punctuation weirdness, spelling errors (wrong then, or everyday being used when it should be every day). It's just irritating. I can't believe how much I find that an editor(?!?) missed. Seriously though. PAY ME. I need a new job omg
• I loved that the world inside is even more horrifying than the world outside.
• I love that Phoenix is not magically "over" her torture and confinement, and that her childhood nightmares still plague her. It feels like legit PTSD to me. It's believable.
• I only folded 11 pages, but I loved so much! I love how straightforward Wilson's writing is, but she also says some really important things in beautiful ways.
• I always love reading about resistance. Revolution. People fighting back. YES. *throws fist in air angrily* #damntheman
• SERIOUSLY NO MORE TRIVEN PLEASE. Can I push him off a roof?
• Also, Gage. Needs to go.
• Who in the rebellion betrayed them?!?!
• Also, who betrayed the subversive?!?!