A review by jevon_mommy
How to Win a Breakup: A Novel by Farah Heron


Thanks to NetGally for the advanced reader copy of this book. After a pretty devastating breakup with her high school boyfriend of two years Devin leaving Samaya in shambles, our main character decided with the help of her friend to doctor a photo of her and a pretty good looking guy who just happened to be a volunteer at a shelter she also volunteers at!! Um what a coincidence! However, Samaya pushes on and gets Daniel, Mr. volunteer to date her to make it look like the breakup with Devin meant nothing and she will have the last laugh. And therein lies the drama that unfolds in this YA romcom!
Let's start with the good. The representation of different backgrounds, nerds and gamer life, and sexual orientation was well received. I liked the writing and some of the characters very relatable coming from a first generation immigrant, your typical high school scene...and drama! There is definitely a Gossip Girl influence in the story and I love that!! Any book that ties in food and cooking...I think if done well adds another layer to the story and the author did amazing at that.
Now on the other side of the coin, these things weren't bad but the story kinda became boring after the first half of the book. I also felt like Samaya was so easily influenced by her friends..like girl STAND UP!! I do like a fake dating trope but I don't think 17 year olds are equipped with experience and emotional intelligence needed to actually fool anyone! I wasn't convinced sometimes as a reader.
Overall, three star read!