A review by divapitbull
Archangel's Heart by Nalini Singh


Archangel’s Heart came awfully close to getting 2 stars. It’s not that there was anything wrong with it per se…. it’s just that it was glacially slow paced. Aside from the main plot point of the story almost literally nothing happened for forever! AH is primarily a Raphael and Elena story; and while I like them – both separately and as a couple – neither of them really rock my boat. As a couple, they’re nice – I like that they’re genuinely devoted to each other without any drama – but I never really felt any intense chemistry.

The story opens with the Cascade on pause; nothing much has happened for the past 2 years. Then the Cadre get called to meet. Apparently, there’s this monk-like (misogynistic, sexist, old boys’ club) spiritual sect of Angels called the Luminata who tuck themselves away in (for all intents and purposes) a “monastery” in the middle of Morocco – so they can dedicate their lives to quiet contemplation and the search for enlightenment or “luminescence”. The Luminata are supposed to be impartial, neutral, non-political and with no earthly ties; therefore, they are entrusted with the power to call a meeting of the Cadre should an archangel go missing. Since no one has heard hide nor hair of Lijuan for the past 2 years – that’s enough to constitute missing- and all hell is breaking out in her lands with blood thirsty vampires slipping the chain and running amok. The Cadre has to figure out of Lijuan is dead or gone to sleep and if so how to divide the territory and re-draw archangelic borders.

Elena travels with Raphael as his Consort to Lumia the home of the Luminata. Things in Lumia just seem “off”. There’s an oppressive, claustrophobic at times genuinely creepy atmosphere. Lumia is located in the birth place of Elena’s grandmother and she hopes to be able to do some investigating into her family ancestry while Raphael is busy with Cadre business. But Elena begins to see a lot of pieces not adding up. The head Luminata looks at her like he’s seen a ghost; when he isn’t looking at her like a particularly exotic, pretty bug that he wants to add to his collection that is. The Luminata seem more secretive than contemplative; and the surrounding town of mortals is infused with an underlying, quiet but very potent fear and hatred of angelkind. There are definitely clues that something is amiss that are adding up – they just add up oh so slowly.

I was a solid 2 stars until about 74%; and then things started to move and I thought I would be generous and bump up to 3 stars. Then we sputtered out again and things ground to a halt and I was back to – screw this – definitely 2 stars. Then around 88% we finally started on the home stretch and all the little clues started coming together. By the time Elena was about to breach the final hidden door and reveal the mystery of Lumia – I had a really good idea what was going to be behind door number one. Or to be fair, I was waiting for the unveiling of half of what was behind door number 1; the other half was a pleasant surprise. At this point I don’t know if I added the third star because the denouement made the whole story worthwhile – or because I was so happy to be so close to the end and finally finishing that I was punch drunk with star giving generosity.

Aodhan plays a large role in AH as he accompanies Raphael and Elena to Lumia. More of his past is revealed as he is seen to be coming slowly out of his shell and healing. His story can't be too far behind.