A review by abbier_14
A Certain Hunger by Chelsea G. Summers


Difficult to rate because its not as good as the books ive rated 3 but not as bad as the books ive rated 2. So i guess 2.5 but idk it doesnt feel right.

I hated the writing style of this book. It dragged on and on, used unneccesarily complicated words so i had to fully concentrate to understand what was going on, just described pointless things for no reason (like what was the point of her explaining those things about shrimp). So this made it difficult for me to fully get into and enjoy this book.

Dorothy felt very pretentious and i didnt really care for her trips to italy and talking about how hot the men are in europe, and how u can only get good truffles in italy. She is an unlikeable character but unlike other books ive read im not demeriting a certain hunger for having an unlikable MFC as thats literally the whole point of the book.

Also the book kinda read like an edgy teenagers first book and they are trying to use adult language to get a certain shock value. Yeah maybe this is just me but tbh sometimes i was uncomfortable with the stuff dorothy was saying but i got used to it by the end of the book. I also really hated the jewish butcher being killed in a "kosher" style, it just rubbed me the wrong way.

I hated the reason for dorothy getting caught. Such a stupid stupid mistake to make for someone who throughout the whole book has tried to convince us how inteligent and above everyone else she is. Then she just goes off the rails with Emma and screws the whole thing over. it was just frustrating really.

Didnt really care for emma. She wasnt an interesting character and also couldnt really see the point in her being mentioned at all. I think she was used as commentary on female friendships in todays society but yeah she didnt add anything special.

Also i cringe at everyone calling this a feminist, girlboss book because ummm i dont think a serial killing cannibal should be the standard we are setting as the example of a successful and powerful woman. She also dependend on men for her entertainment and needed them to give her power and drive for life, I dunno about you but id rather have a self sustaining, independent woman be considered the girlboss but oh well.

Loved the fact that her one true love sucked toes. That aspect being included made me laugh out loud lmao.